Our Work
Playground for creative people.
We are a modern day art collective based in switzerland. Since our founding in 2016 our mission is to give young artists complete freedom in making art, while giving them a selfsustaining infrastructure to collaborate with each other. Creating a new unique marketplace & platform in switzerland. Our platform is based on creating rather meeting financial goals. read more
We are a modern day art collective based in switzerland. Since our founding in 2016 our mission is to give young artists complete freedom in making art, while giving them a selfsustaining infrastructure to collaborate with each other. Creating a new unique marketplace & platform in switzerland. Our platform is based on creating rather meeting financial goals. Instead of following a traditional hirachy, we give our artists the possibility to follow thier own ideas and change the plattform. in following the newest technological trends we provide our artists with huge benefits and creative freedom, while giving costumers a good user expirience. Join us and gain access to usefull tools, knowlege and to a pool of artists working in a structured enviroment. read more
Clothing Design
Playground for creative people. Everywhere anytime.
Graphic Design
Playground for creative people. Everywhere anytime.

View Graphic Designs, Illustrations and more recently uploaded art.
The latest Photo Project done by us.

View the latest photos released on our platform.
The latest Videos Project done by us.
View the latest music videos, aftermovies and other videos upladed by our videoeditors.
Music Production
Latest Releases by our Artists.
View the latest music releases by our producers based in Switzerland and Germany.
Our Shop
Playground for creative people. Everywhere anytime.
View our shop for costum designed clothing done by our graphic designer. Our artists are enjoying complete freedom in designing and distribution of thier products.
We also feature digital downloads because we want to support other artists with templates files, brushes and much more…
Our Services
Searching for some creative artist for a collaboration?
We got you covered with Djs, Producers, Graphic-Designers, Videoeditors and Photographers. With a easy and streamlined order process right at a touch of a finger tip.